ruka kwa Maudhui Kuu

It is a church committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ and spreading scriptural holiness across the globe. The Global Methodist Church is filled with warm-hearted, Jesus loving, and Holy Spirit inspired people. They are grounded in Scripture and the life giving confessions of the Christian faith found in the Apostles’ and the Nicene Creeds.

Kujiunga na Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni, hoja ifuatayo lazima ipitishwe na wingi rahisi katika mkutano wa kutaniko:

"Ninasonga kwamba Kanisa la ___ Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni, kwamba inathibitisha na kuidhinisha viwango vya mafundisho (Sehemu ya Kwanza), Ushuhuda wa Jamii (Sehemu ya Pili), na utawala wa kanisa wa Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni kama ilivyoelezwa katika Kitabu chake cha Mpito cha Mafundisho na Nidhamu, na kinakubali kuwajibika kwa viwango hivyo, ushahidi, na utawala. Uongozi wetu na wadhamini wetu wameidhinishwa kuchukua hatua zote muhimu kutekeleza hoja hii."

Mtu aliyeidhinishwa na kanisa lazima akamilishe na kuwasilisha maombi ya kanisa la dijiti.  Kama sehemu ya kukamilisha maombi ya kanisa la dijiti, lazima upakie dakika za mkutano ambao hoja hapo juu ilipitishwa. Maombi ya kanisa yanaweza tu kuwasilishwa kwa kutumia maombi ya kanisa la dijiti. Ikiwa una maswali kuhusu mchakato wa maombi ya kanisa, tafadhali tuma barua pepe [email protected].

Yes, we have a Find A Church page where you can search for churches near you by zip code. Additionally, you can visit the Annual Conferences page for links to all annual conference websites which will provide you with local information and further assistance in locating churches in your area.

Dodoma Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni inatambuliwa kama shirika linalosamehewa ushuru chini ya Kanuni za Mapato ya Ndani (IRC) § 501 (c) (3). Barua ya uamuzi wa Huduma ya Mapato ya Ndani (IRS) imeambatanishwa hapa. Michango yote, iliyotolewa na baada ya Machi 18, 2022, kwa Mhe. Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni hupunguzwa kama michango ya hisani kwa kiwango kinachotumika kwa kusimamia sheria za shirikisho na serikali.

IRS ilisitisha maombi ya msamaha wa kikundi na usindikaji mnamo 2020. Hivyo basi, Mhe. Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni haiwezi kuomba msamaha wa kikundi unaofunika makanisa ya ndani ambayo ni sehemu ya Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni.

Walakini, kampuni ya mawakili ya Gammon &Grange, PC, ambayo inawakilisha Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni, imetoa maoni yake ikisema kwamba makanisa ya ndani yamesamehewa ushuru kwa mujibu wa lazima isipokuwa katika IRC § 508 (c) (1) (A). Makanisa ya ndani hayatakiwi kuwasilisha maombi (Fomu ya IRS 1023) na IRS ili kufuzu kama msamaha wa ushuru chini ya IRC § 501 (c) (3). Michango kwa makanisa kama hayo nchini Marekani inastahili kupunguzwa kwa ushuru kwa mujibu wa IRC §170(b)(1)(A).

Wakati makanisa yanayohusiana yanazingatiwa moja kwa moja 501 (c) (3), wachuuzi fulani na serikali za mitaa wanaweza kuhitaji nyaraka za ziada kutoka kwa mtu wa tatu ili kuthibitisha hali yao ya 501 (c) (3). Makanisa ambayo yanakamilisha Fomu ya Uthibitisho wa Ushuru yatapokea barua rasmi kupitia barua pepe ndani ya wiki moja ambayo inaweza kutumika kuthibitisha hali yao ya 501 (c) (3).

Wakati IRS inafungua tena mchakato wa kuomba msamaha wa kikundi chini ya IRC §501(c)(3), Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni itawasilisha msamaha wa kikundi kama hicho ili kufunika makanisa ya ndani ambao ni washiriki wa Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni. Kuhifadhi fursa ya kujumuishwa katika msamaha wa kikundi uliotolewa kwa Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni Katika siku zijazo, Mhe.makanisa ya mitaa ambao ni waumini wa Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni haipaswi kuwasilisha maombi tofauti ya utambuzi wa hali ya IRC §501(c)(3), lakini badala yake inapaswa kutegemea msamaha wa moja kwa moja kwa mujibu wa IRC §508(c)(1)(A).

To apply to be a clergy member of the Global Methodist Church, the clergyperson must complete and submit a digital clergy application. As part of completing the digital clergy application, you will upload certain documents such as a copy of ordination certificates or licenses evidencing your current ministerial credentials, diplomas from educational institutions, and transcripts of courses completed. During completion of the digital clergy application, you will initiate a background check as part of completing the digital clergy application. Clergy applications can only be submitted using the digital clergy application. If you have questions about the clergy application process or need assistance, please email [email protected].

Alternative Educational Pathways to ordination include –

Wesley Biblical Seminary’s course of study program. The program is offered in online, hybrid, and also has in-person formats making it widely available to candidates for ordination whose personal circumstances do not permit them to enroll in degree programs. See the following article for more information:

Taasisi za elimu zilizopendekezwa na Kozi ya Kwanza ya Programu ya Masomo iliyotangazwa na Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni

United Theological Seminary’s (Dayton, Ohio) Certificate in Theology and Ministry (CTM) and its Advanced Certificate in Theology and Ministry (ACTM) is another alternative pathway toward completing the educational requirements for ordained ministry. See the following article for more information:

Njia Mbadala ya Pili ya Elimu Imeidhinishwa

As we continue to develop and introduce additional alternative educational pathways, we will keep you informed about new programs and opportunities as they become available!

Please visit our Benefits page here to access information about our benefits program and to locate members of the Benefits Team.

The Connectional Council leads the Global Methodist Church. A section of our website (still under construction) will be dedicated to their work. Prior to January 1, 2025, the Transitional Leadership Council led the denomination during its transitional phase, which ended on December 31, 2024. However, over a thousand people have had a role in giving shape to the formation of the GM Church and bringing it into existence. Clergy and lay people in Africa, Europe, Eurasia, the Philippines and the United States have sacrificially given of their time, talent, and resources to discern God’s will for the formation of the Global Methodist Church. The denomination is governed by the Book of Doctrines and Discipline (for more information, visit

That the one God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – has created all things; that Jesus Christ, through the power of his cross and Resurrection, is the Lord and Savior of all the world; and that the Holy Spirit empowers the people of his church to worship and praise God and to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world in word and deed. (For a full accounting of the church’s core beliefs see its Book of Doctrines and Discipline).

Ndiyo! Kama kanisa la kweli la ulimwengu, dhehebu ni la kikabila na rangi tofauti na linasisitiza juu ya matibabu sawa ya washiriki wote wa kanisa.

Ndiyo! Wanawake, kama wanaume, wameitwa kutumikia katika Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni wana haki ya kutumikia katika ngazi zote za Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni.

Kwa mujibu wa Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni"Kitabu cha Mpito cha Mafundisho na Nidhamu makanisa ya ndani yanamiliki mali na mali zao zote. Kwa kuwa inadhaniwa sana kwamba makanisa ya ndani, na mikutano ya kila mwaka na mikutano ya kati ambayo ina mwelekeo mkubwa wa kujiunga na Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni hawataki kuwa sehemu ya dhehebu na "kifungu cha uaminifu" (yaani, ambapo mali ya kanisa ya ndani inashikiliwa kwa uaminifu kwa kanisa la jumla), ni karibu hakika Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni kamwe hawezi kuasili moja. Kwa hiyo, makanisa ya ndani katika Kanisa la Methodist Ulimwenguni watamiliki mali zao zote na mali zao kwa kudumu.

According to the Global Methodist Church’s Book of Doctrines and Discipline, bishops will only serve for defined term limits. Once they serve their terms, they will either return to ministry in a local church or to some other area of service in the general church. The Global Episcopacy Committee will endorse and recommend the term limits for bishops. Visit our Assembly of Bishops page to meet our current, active bishops (

Rudi Juu