ruka kwa Maudhui Kuu

2:42 Conference Affirms Hopeful Future of the GMC

By Dianne Burnett

2:42 Conference time of prayer. Photo by Dianne Burnett.

The first ever 2:42 Conference, hosted by the Global Methodist Church, recently took place at Lake Junaluska in North Carolina. Clergy and seminary students 40 and under were invited to attend the conference. Over 125 of them came together for the event, united by their dedication and enthusiasm for sharing the gospel and upholding the traditions of the Methodist Church.

Centered around the theme of Acts 2:42 (They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.), the three-day event offered time for fellowship, encouragement, learning, and renewal.

During the conference, attendees had the opportunity to attend several plenary and breakout sessions and hear from other young clergy and leaders in the GM Church on a variety of topics relevant in today’s ministry. These sessions included topics such as tips for equipping our next generation by Rev. Mark Swayze of the Trinity Provisional Annual Conference, wisdom on the importance of embracing your church family in your ministry from Rev. Bequi Flores of the Mid Texas Provisional Annual Conference, and tools useful in creating a disciple-making movement from Rev. Jeremy Smith of the Alabama Emerald Coast Provisional Annual Conference. Bishops Scott Jones and Mark Webb spoke on the vision and future of the GM Church and answered questions. These sessions allowed those in attendance to depart with practical skills and knowledge they could apply in their ministries going forward.

Time of worship at 2:42 Conference. Photo by Dianne Burnett.

The event also served as a time of connection and fellowship for the young clergy and students. United in their devotion for the GM Church, the conference provided a platform for attendees to build relationships, share ideas, and support one another during their current season of ministry.

“Attending a denominational gathering sponsored by our bishops and key leaders that was so anointed and Spirit-filled is very encouraging to me as we begin to learn and experience what this new expression of Methodism in the GM Church will be like,” said Chance Robinson, a student from Asbury Theological Seminary. “From what I have seen, it is a land flowing with milk and honey.”

Many in attendance, witnessing the fervor, commitment, and eagerness displayed by the clergy and seminary attendees, felt the gathering clearly demonstrated a promising future for the GM Church.

“I was moved by the powerful sense of connection and community evident at the conference,” said Rev. Dr. Jessica LaGrone, a member of the GM Church’s Transitional Leadership Council and a member of the event’s planning committee. “I was filled with hope for the future of our movement as I witnessed the participants worship together and experience healing through the power of prayer and communion, and all the while their children played in the background.”

The idea for the 2:42 Conference originated with Bishops Jones and Webb, and it was organized by a planning team consisting of mainly young clergy from several local churches. The GM Church wishes to express its gratitude to the members of the planning team and the generous donors who made the event possible. It also invites the whole Church to pray for young clergy and seminary students as they continue to grow and serve.

Dianne Burnett is the Global Methodist Church’s Executive Director of Communications

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