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Global Methodist Church Continues to Pray and Provide Aid to Communities Impacted by Hurricanes Milton and Helene

The Global Methodist Church continues to hold in prayer all those affected by the devastation of Hurricanes Milton and Helene. These powerful storms have left a lasting impact on many communities, and while recovery efforts have begun, the journey ahead remains long.

To date, over $237,000 has been raised to support relief initiatives, and we are continually receiving updates from our conference superintendents in affected regions as well as our partners at Faith Responders. Their courageous, tireless work will be ongoing as they address the needs of these communities, and we invite you to join us in aiding their efforts in any way you can.

If you feel called to assist, here are two ways to make a meaningful impact:

Financial Contributions
Your financial support provides critical resources to sustain recovery efforts. Donations can be made to the Global Methodist Church Disaster Relief Fund through the following options:

  • Donate ONLINE: Visit the Global Methodist Church Disaster Relief Fund and select “Disaster Relief” or “Helene or Milton Disaster Relief” when prompted.
  • Donate by CHECK: Make checks payable to “Global Methodist Church” and mail to:

Global Methodist Church
P.O. Box 1360
King George, VA 22485

Please include “Helene or Milton Disaster Relief” in the memo line. For online donations exceeding $5,000, kindly email [email protected] to confirm your contribution.

Volunteer Opportunities
Faith Responders is welcoming volunteers of all skill levels to assist in these communities. If you are interested, please fill out an application online at Faith Responders Volunteer Teams.

Together, through prayer, giving, and service, we can provide the support and hope needed by those on the path to recovery. Thank you for your compassionate response during this critical time.

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