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Welcome to our Connectional Commissions page! We are excited to introduce our new commissions, each committed to advancing our mission and fostering a thriving, connected church community. Below, you’ll find a list of our commissions, their Chairs, and contact emails. Additional pages for each commission are coming soon, where you’ll be able to explore their purpose, meet the members, and stay updated on their important work. Stay tuned to discover how our commissions are making a meaningful impact!

Connectional Council
Chair, Jessica LaGrone
[email protected]

Commission on Conferences
Chair, Clark Atkins
[email protected]

Commission on Discipleship, Doctrine and Just Ministry
Chair, David Watson
[email protected]

Commission on Ecumenical Relations
Chair, Bishop Carolyn Moore
[email protected]

Kingdom Advancement Commission (officially the Commission on Evangelism, Church Multiplication, Missional Mobilization and Disaster Response)
Chair, Wes Griffin
[email protected]

Commission on Finance, Administration, Pensions and Benefits
Chair, Harrison Bell
[email protected]

Commission on General Conference
Chair, Mike Grant
[email protected]

Commission on Ministry and Higher Education
Chair, Debra Davis
[email protected]

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