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Prayer: The Grand Means of Drawing Nearer to God

Founder of the Methodist Movement, John Wesley said: “Prayer is certainly the grand means of drawing near to God, and all other means are helpful to us only so far as they are mixed with, or prepare us for, this.” Surely the Lord invites His people to draw near as also spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “Call on Him now while He is near.” (Isaiah 55:6b)

In the Global Methodist Church, we believe the Lord answers when we call to Him in prayer. The GM Church seeks to saturate our Methodist movement in prayer at every level of development for guidance, wisdom, and empowerment. You are welcome to join us on this journey as we draw near to the heart of God in prayer.

We encourage you to explore our resources on this page and to discern how God may be calling your local church to become a “house of prayer”.

Prayer Resources

The following approved prayer resources are provided by members of the GM Church’s Prayer Steering Committee.

GM Church Prayer Resources by Rev. Dr. Terry Teykl

Recommended Devotional Books and Books on Prayer and the Spiritual Life by Dr. Stephen Seamands

Praying the Lord’s Prayer by Rev. Dr. Terry Teykl

Sample Simple Prayer Gathering Outline

Creating a GM Church Prayer Network

For more information on how to get involved in our multi-faceted, intercessory prayer network, please contact the GM Church Prayer Steering Committee, [email protected].

Members of the Prayer Steering Committee: Pastor Laura Ballinger, Pastor Susan Innes, Pastor Leo Park, Dr. Steve Seamands, Rev. Dr. Terry Teykl. 

Pray With The Assembly of Bishops

Each week, the Assembly of Bishops gathers not only to discuss the work of the church but also for intentional prayer. They’ve started praying for a specific Annual Conference and its needs, and we invite you to join us in this powerful practice.

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