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Moving Forward with Senior Executive and New Council Members

Keith Boyette

The Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Leadership Council has appointed the Rev. Keith Boyette as its Transitional Connectional Coordinating Officer beginning June 1, 2022. He will serve as the new church’s senior executive and administrative officer through its convening General Conference. The Council, the body that officially brought the new Church into existence, will continue to provide governing oversight during its transitional period.

Appointed as the president of the Wesleyan Covenant Association in April 2017, Boyette will relinquish that post on May 31, 2022. For the past two years he has served as the chairman of the Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Leadership Council. With the official launch of the new Church on May 1, the Council decided to appoint a senior executive who could give fulltime service to the new denomination during its critical transitional period.

Prior to his service as the president of the WCA, Boyette was the founding and lead pastor of Wilderness Community Church (Spotsylvania, Virginia) for 19 years. An elder in The United Methodist Church, and for eight years a member of the denomination’s Judicial Council (its “Supreme Court”), Boyette recently withdrew from membership in the Virginia Annual Conference of the UM Church and is now an elder in the Global Methodist Church.

In addition to Boyette’s appointment, four new members have joined the Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Leadership Council.

The Rev. Dr. Kimba Evariste is a UM Church elder in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a leader in the Africa Initiative movement, and also a member of the WCA’s Global Council.

Ms. Krystl Gauld is a laywoman and the leader of the WCA’s Eastern Pennsylvania Regional Chapter. The Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference of the UM Church has twice elected her to serve as a General Conference delegate.

The Rev. Jessica LaGrone is an elder in the Texas Annual Conference of the UM Church and the Dean of the Chapel at Asbury Theological Seminary. She is the author of several books and much sought after speaker. She served as a member of the WCA Global Council from 2016 – 2022.

The Rev. Dr. Daniel Topalski is the presiding elder in the Bulgaria Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church. He has also served as the leader of the WCA’s Eastern Europe Regional Chapter.


Pictured above from left to right, Kimba Evariste, Krystl Gauld, Jessica LaGrone and Daniel Topalski.

To see all the members of the Transitional Leadership Council, click HERE. Learn more about the Global Methodist Church by visiting our Resources page.

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