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church planting options

Planting a new church is an exciting journey of faith and service. At the Global Methodist Church, we are committed to equipping leaders and congregations with the tools and support needed to grow vibrant, Christ-centered communities. Whether you’re just starting to explore church planting or are well underway, this page offers resources, and connections to help you answer God’s call to make disciples and expand His kingdom.

The articles below provide guidance on how to get started with church planting, along with links to helpful resources and additional information. Many annual conference websites have dedicated sections on church planting specific to their regions, so we encourage you to explore your annual conference page for further support!

Church Planting, the GMC and You by Steve Cordle
Global Methodist Church Announces Partnership with Planters Field Training Academy by Dianne Burnett

Asbury Seminary – Global Methodist Church Grant

The Asbury Seminary–Global Methodist Church Grant program provides financial support for Asbury Seminary graduates who are planting a new Global Methodist Church.

Application Requirements:

Graduates of Asbury Theological Seminary
Planting a new congregation of the Global Methodist Church
Church plant must be located in the United States
Have not received a previous Asbury Seminary–Global Methodist Church Grant

Grant Details and Deadlines:

Grant Applications are due March 1 (for April disbursement), June 1 (for July disbursement), September 1 (for October disbursement) and December 1 (for January disbursement)
Grants are available in increments of $5,000; $10,000; $15,000 and $20,000
Grants will be dispersed as a one-time gift from the Global Methodist Church

For additional information, please contact Asbury Seminary directly (here).

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