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GM Church Hires John Lomperis to Serve as General Conference Business Manager

월터 비 펜턴

John Lomperis, General Conference Business Manager.

The Rev. Keith Boyette, the Global Methodist Church’s Chief Connectional Officer, has announced that John Lomperis has been hired to serve as the GM Church’s General Conference Business Manager. The church is scheduled to hold its convening General Conference in San Jose, Costa Rica, September 20 – 26, 2024.

“It is an honor to come alongside all the clergy and lay members of the Transitional Commission on the Convening General Conference who are working so faithfully and diligently to plan the GM Church’s initial gathering,” said Lomperis. “I am thrilled to devote myself to the amazing work God is doing in and through our dramatically growing church.”

Lomperis, an event organizer in Methodist circles and a delegate to multiple United Methodist Church General Conferences, will be tasked with executing and managing the logistical details for the GM Church’s convening gathering. He has planned and organized events in multiple countries for diverse audiences.

After receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, Lomperis went on to Harvard Divinity School (Cambridge, Massachusetts), where he graduated with a Master of Divinity degree. He is widely known for his work at the Institute on Religion and Democracy where he has served as the UM Action Program Director.

“John is one of the most detail-oriented people I know,” said the Rev. Beth Ann Cook, Chairwoman of the Transitional Commission on the Convening General Conference and Pastor-in-Charge at St. Paul’s Methodist Church in Poseyville, Indiana. “He is committed to seeing the the church use its resources as wisely as possible for the sake of its greater mission. I am confident he is the person we need to serve as our General Conference Business Manager.”

Based in Newberg, Oregon, Lomperis and his wife are raising three children, ages 8, 6, and 4.

“This is a daunting challenge. We’re a denomination in transition, working with a short timeline, and limited resources,” said Lomperis, “But the enthusiasm and excitement to move forward is inspiring. I covet prayers for myself and all those involved in planning the GM Church’s convening General Conference. I am praying God will fill us with the power of his Holy Spirit as we gather to discern the future he has for the Global Methodist Church.”

Lomperis will assume his position on February 16, 2024.

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