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On July 1, 2024, the Global Methodist Church transitioned to GuideStone Financial Resources as our benefits administrator for Retirement (pension), Health insurance, and Life, disability and AD&D insurance. A full description of the GuideStone plans can be found here.

GuideStone maintains a robust Customer Service department. Most of your benefits-related questions and issues can be answered directly by GuideStone at:

Retirement (pension) questions: 888-984-8433 or [email protected]
Health insurance questions: 844-467-4843 or [email protected]

FAQs - Know Your Options

Clergy Participation

Benefits are for Global Methodist approved clergy members, appointed to Global Methodist congregations. The schedule of clergy benefits is as follows:

All full-time clergy shall participate in the Global Methodist Church/GuideStone group health insurance plan. However, clergy may waive participation by claiming one of the four allowable exceptions and completing the form linked below.

  1. Clergy who are bi-vocational or retired from another profession and who have coverage through a current employer (not the church they are serving) or a previous employer (e.g. a teacher or Federal employee).
  2. Enrolled as a dependent in their spouse’s employer-provided coverage (enrollment in the “ObamaCare” Marketplace or a medical cost-sharing plan is not a valid exception.)
  3. Enrolled in Champus/TRICARE
  4. Enrolled in Medicaid or Medicare (The Medicare exception requires a separate form to be completed to affirm that the clergy was not encouraged or incentivized to waive the group plan – this form will be sent to those claiming the Medicare exception.)

Retirement / Pension

The retirement (pension) plan works as follows:

  1. The church is required to make a base contribution of 5% of the pastor’s salary + housing into the pastor’s retirement account at GuideStone; PLUS
  2. The pastor is encouraged to make a personal contribution to their retirement account through a pre-tax salary-reduction arrangement with the local church; at least 5% is recommended, but the pastor is only limited by the IRS maximums. For 2025 those are estimated to be: $23,500 for participants under 50 and $31,000 for ages 50+; PLUS
  3. The church is required to match the pastor’s personal contribution, up to 5%. The church cannot contribute more than 10%.

An EXCEL worksheet to help you calculate the contribution amounts is provided below; see the Pastor Contribution button.

Long Term Disability, Life, and AD&D

Coverage is mandatory for all clergy appointed at ¾ time or more. This coverage cannot be waived. The church pays 100% of the premium for the basic coverage. The pastor may purchase additional coverage at his/her expense. The details of this coverage are outlined here.

HSA and FSA Administration

GuideStone does not administer Health Savings Accounts (HSA) or Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA), so the we have contracted with a third party, “Employee Benefits Corporation,” (EBC) to manage those accounts for participants who have elected to enroll.

Questions and issues about HSA and FSA accounts should be directed to EBC at 800-346-2126 or to the following email addresses:

Participant questions: [email protected]

Church (employer) questions: [email protected]

Lay Staff Benefits

Local churches can contact GuideStone to set up Retirement and/or Health Insurance Benefits for lay staff persons. The church will be the Plan Sponsor for these plans. As such, the church will have access to the entire range of GuideStone’s offerings. The local church can set up its own plan parameters, including eligibility requirements and the church/employee share of premiums. Lay staff plans will undergo examination for insurability. Contact GuideStone to initiate these plans by phone at 844-467-4843 or [email protected].

Plan Rates, Worksheets, and General Information
Stay Connected

Sign up to receive the Benefits Bulletin here for important information and updates.

To contact the Benefits team, please email us at [email protected] or call 540.898.4940, option 2.

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